
AI 結合保險的「健康 3.0」時代 保柏「Blua Health」應用程式以AI開拓自主健康管理


在後疫情時代,每個人都開始更關注自身的健康狀況,也會希望在醫療保險上有更大的自主和靈活性。今日(19日),保柏Bupa 宣布正式推出「Blua Health」應用程式將人工智能技術結合個人化健�...

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PanopticAI Secures Fundraising Co-Led by Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund and Gobi Partners GBA to Digitise Remote Healthcare

PanopticAI, Hong Kong's leading health and wellness monitoring startup, announced a deal closing on a seed-round funding co-led by Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund (AEF) and Gobi Partners GBA (Gobi GBA), with participation from the HKUST Entrepreneurship Fund (E-Fund) and other renowned investors, marking a promising move in the digital healthcare industry.


Founded by researchers and scientists from The Hong Kong ...

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「城市創科大挑戰」成就智創新常態 初創研人工智能監測健康



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Bridging the doctor-patient gap: Award-winning start-up levels up telemedicine with AI

Spurring creativity in developing real-world solutions

The Food TranSmarter was recently crowned a champion for environmental sustainability in the open group of the inaugural Hong Kong City I&T Grand Ch...

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疫下非接觸監測健康 鏡頭掃視30秒知心跳血壓呼吸率


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